
Showing posts from November, 2005

A Case Study On Logging Visual Activities:Chess Game

A CASE STUDY ON LOGGING VISUAL ACTIVITIES: CHESS GAME ABSTRACT Automatically recognizing and analyzing visual activities in complex  environments is a challenging and open-ended problem. In this thesis this problem  domain is visited in a chess game scenario where the rules, actions and the  environment are well defined. The purpose here is to detect and observe a FIDE  (Federation International des Echecs) compatible chess board and to generate a log  file of the moves made by human players. A series of basic image processing  operations have been applied to perform the desired task. The first step of  automatically detecting a chess board is followed by locating the positions of the  pieces. After the initial setup is established every move made by a player is  automatically detected and verified. A PC-CAM connected to a PC is used to acquire  images and implement the corresponding software. For convenience, “Intel ® Open  ...