A very long story of a simple Amazon deal and why Amazon is the best!

(İngilizce yazmaya alışık değilim ama bu hikayeyi mümkünse geniş kitlelere duyurmak istediğim için ingilizce yazmaya çalıştım.) I've been long waiting for The Sopranos' Blu-Ray release. At last Amazon announced it few months ago. I first hesitated to buy it because I was afraid of my countrys problematic customs regulations. I live in Turkey and a simple movie cd can be a pain in the ass once it is stucked at customs office; and yes even a simple movie cd can stuck at customs in my lonely and beautiful country. At christmas period Amazon reduced the items price down to $110 with a considerable standard shipping rate. I couldn't help myself buying it. I bought it on December 2nd, 2014 with expected delivery date of January 9th, 2015. Amazon has always been loyal to its delivery deadlines. But this time it did not came on time. Amazon's chat agent insisted that it will arrive within 24 hours. But it did not... On Jan 12, I...